Saturday, April 07, 2007

Treasure Hunt

I meet up with my Polytechnic Friends to do some shopping, we went to orchard and settle our dinner at a chinese restaurant (tiffany introduce one). After that we went to suntec mall to continue shopping but we did not buy anything until we are at carrefour where things are much more affordable and useful (food). I bet that everyone enjoy today outing because there are so much laughter and funny things happened.... haha, thanks to the two guys (who keep making me "pai sei") :p


Friday, April 06, 2007


和往常一样, 当天还没亮我和家人就一起出发到我爷爷安葬的坟厂扫墓. 虽然从来都没有看过爷爷, 因为爷爷在我很小的时侯就去世了. 可是每次拜纪他时都有一种莫名的亲切感, 好像我们以经认识了好久. 可能就因为爷爷就和奶奶一样是我这生中最爱和尊敬的人, 也因为我和奶奶的感情很好. 时间过的很快, 一转眼又到回家的时侯了. 大家把地方收拾好和爷爷道别后, 便出发回家....
