Saturday, October 23, 2004

wHeN hUmAn StUdY oN anAtOmY -- tHeY gOne CrAzY

HAiyo... going mad soon when human study on HUMAN(anatomY). Today lesson was not that bad in the begining but it became more worse till the end. When more and more different terms and alien words was heard... ARGH!!! the whole brain was focusing and messy... OMG"
[WARNING] :: nv nv study on human when u are one. *there mayb side effect::
Plus more there was a very very stupid quiz question, wat long term and short term aiyo.. and i don do well on my MCQ (my itchy hand la go and change the answer) :( sad sad...

but my spirit was better after the lesson... cos there is cello class today... Muhan. yee chien and Me was playing without any cordination haha~~~ and that yee chien voice so loud but when playing so soft.. haiyo... but having lesson inside the room gave mi a very different feeling... so nice (enjoyed it alot) ...

now back at home.. with a running nose and voiceless throat :)

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