Today is september 11, 911. It was rossy birthday too... didnt manage to go out with her and celebrate with her. happy birthday Ross!! I still haven got ross a present wor, what should i get for her?
I just manage to finish something that i have drag for weeks, feel so relieve now, wow!! This feeling is just like you jus come out from a shower after your sport training, damn shiok.
yesterday, Mummy accidentally fall inside the toilet, luckily she just hurt her ankle and got some bruises. she went to the doctor this morning, the doctor prescribed her some medicine and wrapped her ankle with some chinese medicine. Now she got trouble in movement, poor mummy. :( hope that she will recover soon...
Suddenly i got this feeling, I miss my lab management class classmates, especially valerie "Huiyi, I miss ur noise pollution!!" OMG!! haix.
yijun they all should be back by tonight, wonder how was their shopping trip over at KL.
This few days, Yiling was stress with her violin practice, "yiling, you must jia you... we must do a wonderful performance on November, lets work hard together!"
I miss xue bin, rossy and all the secondary school friends... I miss the secondary school life too, back then life was very carefree and no stress. .:Guys i miss you all so much:.
okie, i shall stop here. nite pals, soon it will be the nxt day :)
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